Redefining the Conservative Approach to Education: A New Vision for the Future

For decades, the conservative stance on education has largely centered around a few core principles: favoring school choice, limiting federal intervention, and supporting free speech on college campuses. Although these ideas appeal to many voters, they do not clearly show how modern society's education system should work.

This has put the conservatives on the back foot, mainly responding to the initiatives of the left, including pushing for more government intervention and more funding to conventional schooling systems. Thus, conservative concepts in education may seem quite narrow, especially in terms of positive solutions to such issues as educational segregation, the lack of curricula development, and bureaucracy.

Yet, for conservatives interested in appealing to a wider audience and relevant to today's educational challenges, these won't do. Conservative education agenda needs a more persuasive approach that provides real and radical solutions based on important values like responsibility, community, and self-governance. By going beyond the defense and presenting a positive agenda based on the values, conservatives can take a more dominant role in educational reforms that would meet the aims and expectations of the parents, students, and educators.

Shifting from Defense to a Values-Driven Approach

What is the conservative view on education? For a long time, the conservative approach has been characterized more by what it was against than what it was for regarding education. Regarding K-12 education, conservatives have opposed federal intervention and the expansion of the government's role in education. Regarding higher education, they have opposed liberal policies such as free college or universal pre-kindergarten.

This has made the broader conservative education policy less appealing to the moderates and the swing vote since they are not motivated by abstract concepts but by directly improving their children's education. This is why, for conservatives to advance, they need to shift from merely reacting and being aggressive to a position based on principles not associated with either side. Here is what is needed:

  • Responsibility: Stresses the cooperation between schools and families, stressing the importance of parents, teachers, and learners in learning. In this manner, conservatives must be able to promote educational reform that calls for excellence while not stifling the process from a distance.
  • Community: Schools should be the major source of social capital and storehouse of the democratic traditions and principles of American society. In contrast to the left, which tends to perceive schools as channels for extending governmental activities only, the conservatives can suggest a concept where schools build communities and local traditions.
  • Self-Determination: Crucial for empowering people and groups to choose their own educational directions. This value supports policies ensuring parents have choices about their children's education, including traditional public schools, charter schools, and homeschooling.

So, by espousing a values-based agenda built around these principles, conservatives can offer an optimistic vision for conservative education reform for all the diverse types of American families and win the support of the majority in the process. Even many Write My Paper initiatives fit into the conservative education context.

Early Childhood Education: A Conservative Framework

Everyone knows liberal and conservative views on education, and they are all worth attention. However, left's early childhood education mostly involves state-funded and state-run programs such as pre-kindergarten, which entails the systematic and standardized provision of early learning. Although these programs are designed to give those children equal chances, they suffer from bureaucracy, rigidity, and failure to address individual differences among families. For instance, the recent reform by New York City's Mayor, Bill de Blasio, of providing pre-kindergarten education was merely an addition of a year to the conventional K-12 public school system without any flexibility in the schedule and various programs.

A conservative approach to early childhood education would be characterized by choice, flexibility, and innovation as employers are involved in offering early childhood care. This could be through offering huge tax credits that would enable the organizations to sponsor childcare services within the workplace or contract independent childcare services that would provide quality services to the employees.

Thus, conservatives can offer a more realistic and appealing vision of early childhood education by re-orienting it closer to work and family daycare. It’s like hiring a nursing essay writer to achieve better results. Promoting employer-sponsored early childhood care would also create avenues for the private sector to develop numerous creative solutions. Various companies and organizations can try out various models, from flextime to various styles of conservative education, such as Montessori or play-based learning, where families can choose what works for them.

Reforming Teacher Compensation and Licensure

Let’s continue analyzing the conservative view on education! The current system for teacher compensation and licensure in the United States can be described as highly problematic, as it still employs the "step-and-lane" pay scales, meaning that the teacher's salary is determined mostly by their years of service and any extra certifications. This approach neglects to compensate the hard-working and talented educators and stifles creativity and development of the teaching profession. It’s like finding the right person to write my research paper for me. You don’t skip such opportunities.

Even though the general populace has shown willingness to pay teachers more, many good teachers are disgruntled by a system that pays all teachers equally regardless of their performance. On the other hand, licensure requirements help to keep the competition low since only those who meet the requirements can teach, leading to the exclusion of talented professionals from other fields. Conservatives have an opportunity to lead the way in reforming both teacher compensation and licensure by advocating for changes such as:

  • Performance-Based Pay: Teacher remuneration should be linked to performance to motivate good teachers to excel.
  • Alternative Certification Pathways: Essential is dismantling traditional education schools' monopoly and licensure tyranny.
  • Innovative Models and Structures: New forms like teacher-led charter schools or co-ops could help generate new teaching methodologies and pay structures.

As you can see, by promoting these reforms, conservatives can build a new system of conservative education that will be flexible and productive and will respect and support its teachers as professionals who strive for growth, responsibility, and high achievements.

Empowering Local Leaders and Districts through Reform

Now, let’s talk about how leaders can boost the conservative agenda. Most school boards are bound by old contracts, rigid union regulations, and long-term obligations that hinder their flexibility or capacity to implement new approaches or meet new educational requirements. While charter schools can completely redesign their organizations and funding structures at will, traditional public schools are far more likely to become bogged down in a cycle of organizational and financial mediocrity.

For example, 'evergreen' provisions in most contracts mean that obsolete provisions remain in force. Thus, new leadership cannot change them to improve education or the institution's financials. So, conservatives should propose a bold reform: providing school districts with a tool similar to the bankruptcy one that will enable them to reorganize their debts and contracts. It’s like combining paper crafting activities with finding the best essay writing services for some assignments. Arming local leaders with solutions to re-engineer and adapt could help deliver a more dynamic public education system.

Higher Education: Challenging the Status Quo

So, what do conservatives think about education? The current higher education system is full of issues that prevent equity and access to opportunities for economic mobility and attainment. Universities' admissions policies are not fair and merit-based, as was recently revealed by the Varsity Blues scandal in 2019, which showed that the children of millionaires entered elite universities thanks to bribes and other fraudulent schemes.

Also, using college degrees as a starting point for labor market exclusion poses multiple challenges to people who do not pursue formal education. Even though there is increasing proof that a degree does not automatically mean the candidate is ready for employment or possesses the necessary skills, employers insist on it as the means of discarding anyone who may be a potential employee. Besides, the conservative movement doesn’t exclude such writing assistants as Homeworkforme. This is because academic life should be balanced.

So, conservatives should support the changes that provoke the establishment of higher education. One of the ideas is to repeal the tax incentives for university donations related to the preferences in admissions. This would help to eliminate tendencies whereby some universities sell admissions slots to rich families in the name of charity. Such alternatives would offer more ways for people who cannot perform well in school but possess important skills and abilities. In this context, conservative views on education may contribute to destroying the "college-for-all" paradigm that has led to the skyrocketing cost of tertiary education and the reduction of other forms of learning into mere vocational training.


As you can see, conservative education has its advantages and nuances. The process will bear fruit with proper implementation, patience, and careful integration of students. More important is the harmonious reform of the education system. If society can reduce bureaucratic inefficiency and promote practical, value-driven solutions, then all young people will benefit from the implementation of successful academic approaches. This is what modern conservative education is all about.

What Does Conservative Education Implementation Mean?


Local Control

Reaffirm that educating students is predominately the responsibility of states and localities, especially in the areas of funding, personnel, and reviving poorly performing schools.


Parent Choice

Advance educational choice and innovation for parents and students by trusting that parents will do what is best for their children, while not absolving lawmakers from providing oversight.



Demand that states, local districts, and individual schools be transparent through the provision of information to parents that is accessible, timely, comparable, and easy-to-understand.


Quality Content

Assert that high academic standards and aligned tests – both chosen by the state – are crucial because they evaluate what a student is learning.

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Remarks of Dr. William J. Bennett, Chairman Of Conservative Leaders for Education before the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee

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Download the full testimony here: Dr. Bennett Written Testimony Pennsylvania Hearing Chairman Argall, Members of the committee, thank you for having me here today. I want to thank Senator Eichelberger for his invitation and for his leadership on this important issue. Senator John Eichelberger is a member of group of state policy leaders – mostly education […]

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What is What is Happening

What We Stand For

Conservative Leaders for Education is a new campaign comprised of leading conservative state lawmakers and education chairs focused on ensuring conservative principles gain traction in state policy decisions as states begin to develop accountability plans under the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The enactment of ESSA which supplants No Child Left Behind (NCLB) decidedly returns the principal authority of education policymaking to its rightful place: states and localities. We are now requiring states to develop state-specific implementation plans covering things like teacher evaluations, assessments, and plans on how they will intervene in the states’ lowest performing schools.

ESSA presents us with a unique window of time to weigh in and shape education policies in a way that leaves a lasting and meaningful imprint. Conservatives currently control more state legislatures than at any time in modern history. Let’s seize the day and create a brighter future for education in America.

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